Time to Heal
Scroll to the bottom of the page to book using the online calendar

Please slow down and take a moment to read carefully, before booking:
If you would like to move your appointment to another time, or be refunded, please give me 48 hours notice. Appointments can be moved online with notice.
Appointments are 'first come, first served'. My practice gets booked around 3 months ahead, therefore recommended you book 6–10 sessions at a time if possible to make sure you get an appointment each week. If you book an appointment and want a 'cancellation' (should one arise) to see me sooner, please let me know by email. Your therapy appointments should be priority along with medical appointments.
EMDR - you need to be willing to fully commit - it's not just a 'talking therapy' and it's not just 'eye movements', it can take a lot of energy and sessions will need to be 1.5 hours. EMDR is amongst the most misunderstood therapies, even amongst therapists. EMDR with me is not like it is in within the NHS or with CBT therapists. I integrate EMDR into IFS and Somatic therapies. Perhaps take a look here to find out about it EMDR Info
DO NOT book in any other person without their consent, it is the best people take charge and book their own sessions where possible. Sessions are strictly confidential to the client, and only the client will be allowed into the therapy session/room/building.
DO NOT BUZZ MORE THAN 5 MINUTES EARLY (if in person). I will not be able to let you into the building as I will not be available.
Please make sure you have the correct time zone if you are outside the UK, make sure you are aware of the date you are booking (appointments shown can be weeks ahead)
To see how your data is stored, please read: https://www.counsellingforliverpool.com/gdpr.html
Parking: FREE at the front of the building, or follow the signs for the yoga car park behind us.
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If this calendar system on this page is a problem on your device, please try this direct link: https://app.10to8.com/book/ijcblscwcbftvirmfx/